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The Value of Procrastination...

For most of my life I have been called a procrastinator. Usually this carried a negative connotation. I have worked hard in my personal habits to be more responsive when asked to do something, but I still have some of this tendency to put things off until later. But, in the last few years, especially as the speed of information flow, the change to systems I work with and the demand on my time increases, procrastinating a little has been a benefit. Let me explain...
The common meaning of procrastination involves the deferment of activities to a point where the delay is detrimental to the successful execution of the activity.
But, in situations were there are rapidly changing needs, the definition of the need and related activities change as well, and to put in a bit of delay in execution can buffer the dynamic system a bit. The buffer results in the initial set of rapidly evolving changes to be skipped over, and allows the more finalized set of necessary activities to be more clearly defined. This reduces the amount of wasted effort on unnecessary initial activities and allows that amount of time to be directed toward existing tasks on other projects.
Of course this effects the perceived 'responsiveness' of an individual. But at the same time makes the same individual more efficient and effective overall.
At a time where things are expected to happen faster and faster, evolving at a non-human rate of change, a bit of procrastination is not a bad thing, and can help to eliminate a lot of wasted duty cycles of misguided effort.

Becoming more inspired each day by:


  1. Hey there,

    Looks like we have the same resolution for blogging - I really appreciate the link to and the tip for Nino's in Glendale. My mom lives in Mesa and we are always trying new places - looks good. Have you watch the show Life on NBC on Wednesday night - I really enjoy watching it and learning more about being Zen and that most of our reactions are to our ego. Anyway - hope to see you again soon! Finley had fun playing with his uncle. Kerensa


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