If there is one human, then there is no interference.
Each movement of the mind and body create ripples of effects that move away with diminishing energy as the move throughout the medium of space and time.
Add another soul to the cosmic energy pool and now interference patterns emerge. The cause has an effect and the impact is felt by the other. Maybe the distance makes it so slight that it may not exist, but maybe when brought together the patterns are so strong and so new that the two can spend their lives discovering the ever changing patterns that manifest as each one acts independently.
Blow this up to an infinite number of souls all acting at their own will.
White noise, chaos, it all is there from discrete sources, but the total pattern is nothing that can be predicted or even evaluated.
Each movement of the mind and body create ripples of effects that move away with diminishing energy as the move throughout the medium of space and time.
Add another soul to the cosmic energy pool and now interference patterns emerge. The cause has an effect and the impact is felt by the other. Maybe the distance makes it so slight that it may not exist, but maybe when brought together the patterns are so strong and so new that the two can spend their lives discovering the ever changing patterns that manifest as each one acts independently.
Blow this up to an infinite number of souls all acting at their own will.
White noise, chaos, it all is there from discrete sources, but the total pattern is nothing that can be predicted or even evaluated.
Not, it can´t be predicted. And that is what makes it fascinating.