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The purpose of religion...

Besides the value of human order and unification, is there a higher purpose served?

It started with the denial on my part to accept Jesus as G-d in human form. I have been told that G-d came and dwelt among mankind in the form of a man, and was tortured and murdered by humans, so that humans could be free from the punishments they deserved after they die, for the wrong things they do on earth.

I asked, why does this G-d not just reveal himself in his true form to each one of us directly and obviously. To remove all doubt and questions to what it is and what he expects from us. This would eliminate all the warring and killings in the world over religious disagreements and since he is omnipresent he could work with each one of us individually, giving us perfect advice and to help us become the best possible human we can be during our time on earth.

I was told that if G-d were to show us his pure form, that we would become like robots, unable to maintain our freewill and ability to chose to love and follow G-d. That the awesome power of his pervasive love would leave us not choice but to love him. That G-d wants our love and love requires freewill else it is not love.

So, according to that idea, he has to hide himself from us so that we can come to him on our own accord.

This got me thinking that then it is totally unjust for anyone to be judged according to their actions on earth, since there is no true reference point to base our decisions on.
Not only is there no reference point but there are thousands of conflicting opinions on what G-d is and how we are supposed to act based on what all these "informed" people say he wants.

I do not believe that G-d would require such a flawed system to discover who loves him.
There are too many variables out there that can influence the outcome that the odds are that very few if any will ever do it right and find the truth. In fact, by this person's definition, if someone ever did know the truth, they would instantly be unable to choose to love, and would become G-d's love robot.

So, I think that maybe the best way to find the truth about the nature of ourselves and the existence and nature of the creator of this current reality is to not listen to the millions of conflicting systems. To look to our design and the world around us to discover what it is we are and what we are to be. To look at the information in the formation.

I think that G-d is talking to us, by everything he made. It is a huge unfolding method of communication. We are a subsystem of the overall system.

A good test of the methods of individual behavior should be on how they fit with not only our design and the design of the adjacent systems, it should also evaluate how the behavior enhances our ability to grow into more complementary beings within the total system.

We are organic agents, with certain programs to perform different functions based on the stimulus patterns that we receive on our sensory devices. It is throughout these patterns and responses that we can discover the truth about ourselves and maybe that is a good place to start to discover the mind of that which made us.



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