Where is the boundary between the inertia of our biological processes and our choices of freewill? Does our choosing something change the probabilities of a certain outcome that is inline with our will? Or is the choice itself an illusion created by multiple layers of complex processes that are each simply following the shortest paths of least resistance?
Do we dare say that the moon is two pieces? The light part and the dark part?
To do so would make a person look to be a fool.
Everyone knows that the Moon is one entity and it's relationship to the light that creates the apparent division.
We look at our self and see two (or more) parts, separate pieces that stand alone, a light side and a dark side, the funny and the serious, the virgin and the whore.
The truth is that the division is just an illusion, a construct of our unwillingness to intergrate it all into one. It is a trick of the light of our minds. Also powerful, is the reinforcement for this behavior we get from society. Only acceptable if we act not as we truly are, but only what the time and place will allow us to be without pain of punishment in all its ugly forms.
What would happen if we saw everything as it is... One complete and undivided unity of energy. With little ripples and eddies that make up more influential parts of space in time. We are a swirlin...
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